Tuesday, June 10, 2014

FIRST Blog Post

Well, the title says it all... This is my very FIRST blog post ever!
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you will continue to visit. I promise it will get better as I learn how to do more on here and add on new features.
Since this is my FIRST post on my FIRST blog, I would like to tell you about WHY I was inspired to start a blog. For years, about 4 years to be exact, I have followed other kindergarten teacher's blogs. Of course, I love all the freebies on the blogs. Who doesn't? However, my favorite thing of all has been just simply reading what and how other kindergarten teachers do things, seeing their ideas in action, realizing I'm not "the only one" struggling with _____, and so on. I found out that one of my MOST favorite bloggers teaches about 2 1/2 hours away from me, and I couldn't help but ask him if I could come observe him. Can you guess who I'm talking about???... That's right- Mr. Greg!!!!!

I learned SO much by watching him teach. I could go on and on about all that I learned, but I will save that for another day.
What I do want to say is THANK YOU to Mr. Greg!
He inspires me, encourages me, and helps me!
Therefore, my first blog post is dedicated to Mr. Greg at The Kindergarten Smorgasboard!
I would also really like to "network" more with other kindergarten teachers, and I think this blog will be the perfect way to do that!
Thanks for stopping by! Come back SOON!
See ya later, alligator!

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